Visual Processing Therapy

Visual Processing Therapy

Difficulty with processing visual information and accurately making sense of that information, may lead to a Visual Perceptual Disorder. This disorder represents visual challenges that cannot be corrected with glasses.

Visual perceptual skills are crucial for interpreting and understanding what we see.

They are fundamental not just for day-to-day activities but also for developing learning, motor coordination, and social interaction abilities. Visual Processing Disorder affects both adults and children and may lead to reduced performance in school, work, or sports. Visual Perceptual Therapy trains the brain and the eyes to work together to process visual information correctly and to interpret that information accurately and efficiently. Our therapy program builds on visual processing skills in the areas of:

Visual Memory
Visual Sequential Memory

  • Recalling site words
  • Spelling – especially remembering how words are spelled
  • Reading fluidly – each word the learner reads seems brand new

Visual Form Constancy

  • Difficulty completing worksheets/puzzles, sorting items that are slightly different
  • Slow or delayed learning to read, especially with different fonts, or writing styles

Visual Figure Ground

  • Struggles to find personal items in a crowded space
  • Slow to complete work
  • Unable to effectively sort items from a large pile

Visual Spatial Relations

  • Knowing left and right
  • Reading similar letters such as b/d p/q without errors
  • Forming letters/numbers correctly

Visual Closure

  • Difficulty completing puzzles/
  • Challenges with dot to dot pages

Visual Discrimination

  • Sorting similar items such as coins, socks, silverware, especially those with subtle differences
  • effectively read maps
  • reading words that are similar such as “cat” and “cap”

Visual Motor Integration

  • Writing letters
  • Eye-hand coordination

Visual Sequential Memory

  • Difficulty with spelling, math concepts
  • Slow copying from the board – has difficulty remembering a sequence of digits

Visual Processing Therapy


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Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm





