Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation

Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation

Neuro optometric vision rehabilitation can help to restore visual skills and abilities that are impaired as the result of a brain injury. Our treatment program consists of a progression of individualized therapy activities using specialized equipment to rehabilitate the neuro-visual system. Patients work with skilled therapists, under the direction of a neuro-optometrist to address vision problems that can lead to blurred or doubled vision, headaches, eyestrain, difficulties with reading, visual fatigue, balance challenges, and difficulty with visual processing (making sense of visual information).

Rather than learning to compensate for the visual dysfunctions, neuro optometric vision therapy creates new connections between the eyes and the brain to provide stable improvement and actual recovery. Neuroplasticity, or changes in the pathways of the brain, allows for the visual system to adapt after injury. This adaptation allows one to regain an efficient visual system and improves symptoms experienced after brain injuries. Reading, shopping, and basic daily activities can now become enjoyable once again.

Post trauma vision changes are quite complex and multi-faceted. Establishing a stable and flexible visual system early in the rehabilitative process will provide a good foundation for other aspects of vision rehabilitation such as physical or occupational therapy. Neuro optometric vision rehabilitation can be coordinated with your entire recovery plan, to provide the best possible plan for improving symptoms and returning to everyday activities.

Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation


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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm





