Eye Tracking Problems

                                                                             Eye Tracking Problems

Catch Eye Tracking Problems as Soon as Possible
Eye tracking is the ability to move your eyes from one point to another following a specific path, with smooth movement and few to no incidents of losing one's place while doing so. In other words, reading this one line without losing your place or having to move your head around too much is an example of eye tracking. Children can sometimes have tracking problems that lead to issues in school. At Desmond Vision Therapy in Lancaster, PA, we can help your child learn better tracking skills.

What Is an Eye Tracking Problem?
If your eyes can't follow a line smoothly without skipping places or losing their place, you may have a tracking problem. This is not necessarily due to an actual structural problem or illness. Many times, it's just a matter of training your eyes to track well. However, brain injuries and other health conditions can cause or contribute to eye tracking disorders. Symptoms include losing your place often, bad reading comprehension, and a need to use your finger to track your progress along a page.

Tracking Problems and Reading
Tracking problems have ramifications for reading, sports vision, driving, and any other activity in which you need to be able to move your line of sight smoothly and with excellent control. If you can't track along a written line, you may not be able to interpret the writing well, which could lead to reading comprehension issues and poor academic performance. You have to be able to track a ball or puck in sports. And you have to be able to scan along a road or horizon for obstacles when driving, although that's obviously not a concern for small children.

How Vision Therapy Can Help
Vision therapy can help your child learn to have more control over his or her eyes during activities like reading. A pediatric eye doctor should evaluate your child to determine the cause of the tracking disorder because treatment modality and outcome depend on why the disorder developed in the first place. Once the doctor has a good idea of why a child has eye tracking problems, you can proceed with vision therapy to help train children to visually track better. Vision therapy can also help with coping skills if the tracking disorder is due to a health condition.

Do Not Delay Getting Treatment for Your Child
Desmond Vision Therapy in Lancaster offers help for children who have visual tracking disorders. Your child will receive customized help and monitoring to give them the best chance of success. Call us at (717) 983-8836.


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